If You Forget
If you forget how beautiful you are
I will remember
I will remember your barefoot connection to the earth,
The risks you have taken.
And the compassion in your heart
I will remember the courage of your questions.
And the tiny wrinkles that make your bright and shining eyes
I will remember how you shine in your enthusiasm,
Your delicate embarrassment,
The passion and serious intensity
Behind your words.
If you forget,
Come with me.
There is a path I know
High up on the mountain
And deep in the core of the rich black earth
Where we can drink together
From the pool of your tears,
And listen as the mountains echo
With the sound of your laughter
If you forget,
I will taste,
One more time
The deep dark sweetness of your soul,
That wonderful essence that belongs only to you.
If you are tired,
Come rest in the warmth of my hands
and I will whisper
Stories of your greatness
in your ears.
Oh, how I am intoxicated by the flavors of your soul.
Rob Fisher
When I grow up, I hope to be as deeply compassionate as the girl in the photo above!
Rob Fisher, M.F.T. (License # MT 22886), is the author of Experiential Psychotherapy With Couples, A Guide for the Creative Pragmatist and of a number of book chapters and articles published internationally on couples therapy and the pyschodynamic use of mindfulness for publications such as the Psychotherapy Networker, The Therapist, The Journal Of Couples Therapy, The USA Body Psychotherapy Journal and others.
He practices individual, couples and family therapy in Mill Valley, California and teaches internationally.
An advocate of the use of mindfulness and present experience in psychotherapy, he is an adjunct professor at JFK University. As the Co-Developer of the Mindfulness and Compassion in Psychotherapy Certificate Program at CIIS, he has brought together many of the leaders in the realms of mindfulness and psychotherapy in one of the only programs in the US that teaches, not just the skills pf psychotherapy, but helps participants develop their internal state as well.
He is a speaker at conferences and workshops around the country such as CAMFT, USABP, The Psychotherapy Networker, The Couples Conference, and The Relationship Council where he presents as a peer, master or keynote speaker. Teaching internationally, he is a Hakomi Mindfulness Based Experiential Psychotherapy Senior Trainer and a director of Hakomi Institute of California. and the Hakomi Institute of China.
Rob has taught Hakomi, couples therapy and, with his wife, Ting Ting, couples retreats and ecootherapy retreats in the US, Canada, Israel, China, Japan, Bhutan, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Bali, Columbia, Ireland and Israel.
He composes music, poetry, fiction and spends a lot of time outdoors in nature.